Adèle Geras has a rave review of Geraldine McCaughrean's new book The White Darkness in today's Guardian. (As an aside here, the Guardian's book coverage is first rate.) Geras, a writer for children and young adults herself (Happily Ever After), praises the language, excitement, and adventure in The White Darkness and writes, "Reading Geraldine McCaughrean is like being on a spiral staircase. You move down and down and it gets darker and darker, but somehow you're travelling towards some kind of light. You surrender yourself to the writer, and you are in the best of hands." Sounds good to me!
By the way, Geraldine McCaughrean is probably most well known in the U.S. for her retelling of Greek classics. I can't tell you the number of times Greek Gods and Goddesses have come home from the library with us. She has also retold The Odyseey for younger readers (Penguin).