Halloween is everywhere! Susan at Chicken-Spaghetti has just commented on several of her favorites, including Corduroy's Halloween, which was a frequent preschool choice at our house as well.
Jacqueline Blais roundsup some of her favorite Halloween books today for USAToday. Of special note, in my opinion, is Elizabeth Hatch's Halloween Night (ill. Jimmy Pickering).
Our two most loved Halloween books currently are Kay Winter's The Teeny Tiny Ghost (ill. Lynn Musinger) and A Beasty Story (the collaboration between Bill Martin Jr. and Steven Kellogg).
A completely off-topic comment here: For a fascinating discussion about online book retailers and access, check out Maud Newton and the Literary Saloon today. (This discussion was inspired by Maud Newton's interview with Dave Weich of Powell's Books yesterday.) My Smalltown is a prime example of Two Americas, so this discussion interests me very much.