Okay, I don't really love the name, but NaNoWriMo is here. I'm participating and so is Liz B. at A Chair, A Fireplace and a Tea Cosy. Any other crazies out there?
The Boston Globe features two good articles on the fun that is National Novel Writing Month, both written by Pat Washburn.
Washburn covers the insane event in "30 day guarantee: Ready, set, write: Thousands of aspiring authors have vowed to create an entire novel in one month." In addition, Pat Washburn contributes, "Helpful hints for staying on the write track," an article with a lot of useful advice including, perhaps, most importantly, "Don't edit as you go. Promise yourself that you will fix that scene, change that dialogue, rename that character -- but not until after Nov. 30. "
And, of course, "Give yourself small rewards along the way. 'OK, I can take a break and watch 'Lost' if I finish 2,000 words by then.'"
Off to the races!