Friday, March 17, 2006


Amanda Craig reviews dragon books for the Times.

Craig and her son are in love with dragons (sounds familiar), and she's found some new titles to keep them busy. The first--Dragon Keeper, by Carole Wilkinson--features a Chinese dragon. Craig writes, "Chinese dragons seem a bit too dignified for the kind of stuff you want from a dragon, that is, flying, breathing flames and the odd potion. Dragon Keeper may well change all that." Hooray! Craig calls Dragon Keeper, "the most captivating children’s book I’ve seen so far this year." (Dragon Keeper was published in 2005 in the States.)

Craig also reviews Angie Sage's new Septimus Heap novel, Flyte. "It’s all jolly, freewheeling stuff, with young Queen Jenna being kidnapped by Simon and a rat (yes, another one) having to bring help at the crucial moment. " Craig faults the editing and the illustrations, but finds, "Spit Fyre does all the proper dragonish things such as burning holes in precious shoes and giving rides. We can't get enough. More, please!"