Saturday, February 17, 2007

Weekend Reviews (I)

Sorry for the late weekend reviews posting. I spent my afternoon in the ER watching my son get his split chin stitched up. Lots of fun. He's fine now, but I'm still feeling queasy. Anyway, on to the reviews:

Susan Perren reviews new books for the Globe and Mail. Books considered include:
  • The Other Mozart: The Life of the Famous Chevalier de Saint-George, by Hugh Brewster, illustrated by Eric Valasquez
  • Dimity Dumpty: The Story of Humpty's Little Sister, written and illustrated by Bob Graham
  • The Elves and the Shoemaker, retold by John Cech, illustrated by Kirill Chelushkin
  • The Tale of Sir Dragon: Dealing With Bullies for Kids and Dragons, by Jean E. Pendziwol, illustrated by Martine Gourbault
Mark Fisher reviews Zenith, by Julie Bertagna, for the Scotsman.

Not a review, but Julie Bosman discusses the scrotum kerfuffle in the New York Times.

More tomorrow...