Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Biggest BACA alert ever

We've all heard Jenna Bush has been planning to write a YA title. It's now official. Here's the scoop: "HarperCollins announces today that it's publishing Bush's Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope this fall. Jenna says the book "about a 17-year-old single mother in Panama who is living with HIV--will end with a 'call to action.'"

Jenna talks to Bob Minzesheimer for USA Today. Here's the best part of the article:
  • "She says she 'very, very modestly' hopes her book will have some of the influence of two books about girls caught up in the Holocaust: Lois Lowry's novel Number the Stars and Anne Frank's The Diary of Anne Frank.


Gail, you know I adore you, but defend this one.

MotherReader, this one's for you.