Today's poem comes from U.S. Poet Laureate (former) Robert Pinsky and is called "Samurai Song."
Stephen Colbert had Robert Pinsky host his metaphoroff with Sean Penn on the Colbert Report this evening and ordered his viewers to make "Samurai Song" the number one poem in the U.S. I submit. Here are the first stanzas of Robert Pinsky's "Samurai Song":
"Samurai Song"
When I had no roof
I made Audacity my roof. When I had
No supper my eyes dined.
When I had no eyes I listened.
When I had no ears I thought.
When I had no thought I waited.
When I had no father
I made Care my father. When I had
No mother I embraced order.
Read the rest of the poem here at Poetry International.
Let the wild rumpus begin!
Ms.Mac at Check It Out shares some of her students' poems from her Young Writers Club. Great poems, great idea.
April has inspired poets to share their own work. Suzanne at Adventures in Daily Living contributes "15 cherry tomatoes."
Gregory K. has "turned magnetic" over at GottaBook with another original poem.
Elaine also has a (funny) original up at Wild Rose Reader. You should send this one to Colbert, Elaine! (By the way...are you looking for a poem on a specific topic? Then Elaine is your source. She's offering to find the perfect poem for you.)
Speaking of Elaine, she has been busy today! She shares a Poetry Potpourri over at The Blue Rose Girls. (Information on a poetry institute, lesson plans, and more!)
Ummm...did you know that Kimberly of lectitans translates her own poetry...from the Latin? Check out her translation of Catullus today. ETA: Kimberly also reviews Lorie Ann Grover's On Pointe over at lectitans.
Michele makes no apologies for her Shakespeare contributions. (And, really, why should she?)This week's theme? The destructive nature of time.
Little Willow shares a short, simple, and true proverb this Friday at Bildungsroman.
Monica shares a letter written to a work of poetry today at educating alice. The letter was inspired by reading to her students. Casey, are you listening?
In the "great minds think alike" category, Kelly Fineman shares Robert Pinsky's "Samurai Song." Oh, and an undying affection for Mr. Colbert. (Should we start going by Kelly H. and Kelly F.? It'll be just like grade school.)
Eisha shares a poem from Nikki Giovanni and her speech at the Virginia Tech convocation (video format) at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast. Thanks, Eisha.
Cloudscome writes of hope and peace and shares from Nikki Giovanni's Virginia Tech convocation speech at A Wrung Sponge. Thanks, cloudscome.
Gregory K. and Elaine have inspired Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect: She shares two poems on the topic of shells--one an original, the other from J. Patrick Lewis.
Susan Taylor Brown is craving some nonsense and turns to the master: Edward Lear and his "The Pobble Who Has No Toes."
The Wordy Girls share a number of 15 word poems this week--prompt?: A metronome.
The Old Coot remembers the 18th of April with "Paul Revere's Ride." (Great photos, too!)
Emily at Whimsy Books shares some (gulp) childhood poetry this week.
Anne contributes a Poetry Friday review of Jean-Pierre Simeon's This is a Poem That Heals Fish over at Book Buds.
Mrs. K shares a lesson plan (for grades 4-8) on ekphrasis at Readathon. (Great idea, Mrs. K!)
MotherReader shares the silly with an original haiku dedicated to some damage created by a couple of practical jokers at her husband's office. Gregory K., watch out! That office is dangerous.
Nancy at Journey Woman is one smart woman. She signed up to receive a poem per day by e-mail! Today she shares one of those poems: Mark Strand's "Man and Camel" with audio link.
Miss Erin contributes Arnold Lobel's "Books to the Ceiling."
A Fuse #8 Production shares "I'm In Love with Leonard Woolf," by Susan Ramsey (her mother).
Bri discusses the Virginia Tech tragedies and being a college student at this time. She offers up "All Is Well," by Henry Scott Holland, at Bri Meets Books.
Susan praises Jean Conder Soule's Never Praise a Weasel at Chicken Spaghetti.
Charlotte takes a look at concrete poetry and two picture books over at Charlotte's Library. (Looks like fun!)
Franki reviews David Harrison's Bugs over at A Year of Reading.
Stephen Colbert had Robert Pinsky host his metaphoroff with Sean Penn on the Colbert Report this evening and ordered his viewers to make "Samurai Song" the number one poem in the U.S. I submit. Here are the first stanzas of Robert Pinsky's "Samurai Song":
"Samurai Song"
When I had no roof
I made Audacity my roof. When I had
No supper my eyes dined.
When I had no eyes I listened.
When I had no ears I thought.
When I had no thought I waited.
When I had no father
I made Care my father. When I had
No mother I embraced order.
Read the rest of the poem here at Poetry International.
Let the wild rumpus begin!
Ms.Mac at Check It Out shares some of her students' poems from her Young Writers Club. Great poems, great idea.
April has inspired poets to share their own work. Suzanne at Adventures in Daily Living contributes "15 cherry tomatoes."
Gregory K. has "turned magnetic" over at GottaBook with another original poem.
Elaine also has a (funny) original up at Wild Rose Reader. You should send this one to Colbert, Elaine! (By the way...are you looking for a poem on a specific topic? Then Elaine is your source. She's offering to find the perfect poem for you.)
Speaking of Elaine, she has been busy today! She shares a Poetry Potpourri over at The Blue Rose Girls. (Information on a poetry institute, lesson plans, and more!)
Ummm...did you know that Kimberly of lectitans translates her own poetry...from the Latin? Check out her translation of Catullus today. ETA: Kimberly also reviews Lorie Ann Grover's On Pointe over at lectitans.
Michele makes no apologies for her Shakespeare contributions. (And, really, why should she?)This week's theme? The destructive nature of time.
Little Willow shares a short, simple, and true proverb this Friday at Bildungsroman.
Monica shares a letter written to a work of poetry today at educating alice. The letter was inspired by reading to her students. Casey, are you listening?
In the "great minds think alike" category, Kelly Fineman shares Robert Pinsky's "Samurai Song." Oh, and an undying affection for Mr. Colbert. (Should we start going by Kelly H. and Kelly F.? It'll be just like grade school.)
Eisha shares a poem from Nikki Giovanni and her speech at the Virginia Tech convocation (video format) at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast. Thanks, Eisha.
Cloudscome writes of hope and peace and shares from Nikki Giovanni's Virginia Tech convocation speech at A Wrung Sponge. Thanks, cloudscome.
Gregory K. and Elaine have inspired Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect: She shares two poems on the topic of shells--one an original, the other from J. Patrick Lewis.
Susan Taylor Brown is craving some nonsense and turns to the master: Edward Lear and his "The Pobble Who Has No Toes."
The Wordy Girls share a number of 15 word poems this week--prompt?: A metronome.
The Old Coot remembers the 18th of April with "Paul Revere's Ride." (Great photos, too!)
Emily at Whimsy Books shares some (gulp) childhood poetry this week.
Anne contributes a Poetry Friday review of Jean-Pierre Simeon's This is a Poem That Heals Fish over at Book Buds.
Mrs. K shares a lesson plan (for grades 4-8) on ekphrasis at Readathon. (Great idea, Mrs. K!)
MotherReader shares the silly with an original haiku dedicated to some damage created by a couple of practical jokers at her husband's office. Gregory K., watch out! That office is dangerous.
Nancy at Journey Woman is one smart woman. She signed up to receive a poem per day by e-mail! Today she shares one of those poems: Mark Strand's "Man and Camel" with audio link.
Miss Erin contributes Arnold Lobel's "Books to the Ceiling."
A Fuse #8 Production shares "I'm In Love with Leonard Woolf," by Susan Ramsey (her mother).
Bri discusses the Virginia Tech tragedies and being a college student at this time. She offers up "All Is Well," by Henry Scott Holland, at Bri Meets Books.
Susan praises Jean Conder Soule's Never Praise a Weasel at Chicken Spaghetti.
Charlotte takes a look at concrete poetry and two picture books over at Charlotte's Library. (Looks like fun!)
Franki reviews David Harrison's Bugs over at A Year of Reading.