Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Edge of the Forest--June/July update

Hi All. I had promised that the June/July issue of The Edge of the Forest would be up tomorrow. Well, that's not happening. Today will be occupied with clearing up a medical flexplan, planning for a conference in August, packing for a month-long trip, and clearing out (i.e. responding to) e-mails.

The issue will be up on Monday, the day I'll start a week-long blogvation.
If you are interested in reviewing for the August or September issues of The Edge of the Forest, I have books for you. Lots and lots of books. Currently I'm sending out books to Brian and three other reviewers who don't have their own sites. If you'd like a package of 4-6 books, send me an e-mail asap (I'll be at the P.O. at 9am tomorrow) with your genre/age preferences.