Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weekend Reviews (II)

A very happy Sunday to you one and all! I am in a very good mood because I have finished listening to an audio book I loathed and today I have new audible credits. I am free, free, free and can move on to something new. I'm going with Amy Bloom's Away. This is a very good thing, because I have tons of cleaning to do today. Okay, with a sigh of relief, it's on to the weekend reviews:

In today's not-a-review category, don't miss Katie Haegele's article in the Philadelphia Inquirer on the Literature Factory in Second Life. If you're a bit flummoxed by the whole Second Life thing (guilty as charged!), this article shows why publishers are so interested in this new world.

Back-to-school is, well, back. Kathy Englehart recommends picture books for the anxiety-ridden youngster in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Sonja Bolle considers the Stephenie Meyer phenomenon in the Los Angeles Times.

Liz Rosenberg reviews two new children's books set in the South for The Boston Globe.

Paul Binding talks all things Pippi in the Independent.

Runemarks, by Joanne Harris, is the Times Children's Book of the Week.