Last week I posed a question about making space for writing. I wasn't asking about creating an office or clearing off a desk, but rather about clearing your mind during a day of work, and kids, and other responsibilities. Making that all-important mental space.
I received so many helpful and generous replies to this query, that I thought I'd break up the suggestions into a few posts.
Today's topic concerns writerly tricks. You know, the things and actions that switch your mindset from the treadmill to a writing space. Maybe a fluffy pen will do it for you? Or is it Yoga? I think it's up to the writer, but here are the suggestions I received:
- Sara Lewis Holmes suggests "Make the act of writing a rebellion against all the other Must-Dos in your life." Run away and play hooky.
- Sara also recommends a separate notebook for each writing project and "mentally conjure up your favorite reading spot as a kid (or as an adult)."
- Adrienne likes "pink pens and the notebooks" too!
- And, Tricia works with notebooks so she can steal away time when on campus
- Tricia also starts with a poetic form or writing prompt to shock herself into the zone
- Barbara Kerley wrote in and said, "A tiny routine is good to start your writing time. For me, I make a cup of tea, head upstairs, and sit down at my desk."
- Christine M. tries to "get enough stuff off of my to do list"
- P.J. Hoover says she uses a "digital voice recorder to capture quick ideas I have throughout the day"
- Becky Levine suggests sitting down for an hour at the same time every day. (Gail Gauthier agrees!)
- Colleen Cook plans on treating writing like doctor's appointments and scheduling dates she can't miss.
- Liz Garton Scanlon uses the exerise tip: set a "very, very, very modest goal -- 10 or 15 minutes a day -- because once you've started, you'll almost always exceed it."
- Tanita finds weekend writing works great with the academic calendar
- Kelly Fineman has to leave the house or have a clutter-free space
- Cloudscome says "What I do is get up early, sit with my coffee and prayers/meditation, and let my mind wander."
- Michele and Kim find getting up early to write is the trick