When you've been blogging long enough, you begin to notice weird trends and spikes in search terms. For months I've had searches for hockey poems and for nursery rhyme mp3s at a steady rate of 2 to 3 searches a day. People also end up here when looking for witch spells for children.
But, sometimes...there's a huge jump. Not one search a day or even ten. But dozens. Daily. For weeks at a time. The last time that happened on this blog was with Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief. I published a review, and then months later a hundred searches per day.
Two years on and now it's the Ingo series, by Helen Dunmore.
Last summer I posted reviews of the first three volumes of the series--Ingo, The Tide Knot, and The Deep. I also interviewed Helen Dunmore and she discussed volume 4--The Crossing of Ingo--in the interview. And, now? Many searches per day in the U.S. for Ingo and The Tide Knot, and the U.K. is going crazy searching for The Crossing of Ingo. Couldn't happen to a better series. I hope two search spikes are a charm.