Gail Gauthier's A Girl, a Boy, and Three Robbers tour is underway. Here's the schedule:
June 29: Books Together Blog
June 30: Sam Riddleburger
July 1: Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
July 2: Jen Robinson's Book Page
July 3: Big A little a
July 4: The Miss Rumphius Effect
July 5: A Fuse #8 Production
Gail also has a giveaway at her own Original Content. I'll be posting a review of A Girl, a Boy, and Three Robbers this week as well. It's a do-not-miss-title for readers ages five to nine.
In other interview news, Cynthia Leitich Smith interviews Anne Boles Levy and me over at Cynsations about the Cybils. Thanks, Cyn!