Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hey, YA fans...

...I've got two great links for you today.

First, check out Kate Sutherland’s short story at This Magazine. (And, Stuart Ross interviews Kate at This Magazine here.)

Kate also runs a great blog (Kate's Book Blog). Her story, "Cool," begins as follows:
  • "Everything started the day Eva walked into Miss Waverly’s School of Dance. It was a couple of weeks into the year already, too late for new students, but Eva’s mother came in waving a gold credit card and wouldn’t take no for an answer. She said they’d only just moved to town and, even though they lived on the other side of the river, she’d driven right over. She’d heard Miss Waverly’s was the best and nothing but the best was good enough for her daughter."



Are you looking for reviews of new middle-grade and YA fiction? Leila at Bookshelves of Doom is on a virtual roll. Read all her entries from the past week. She has reviewed ten (I'm serious!) books since March 30.