Written by Mari Rutz Mitchell (illustrations by Michael Kline), Creating Clever Castles & Cars is a how-to book for the younger set. There are forty different constructions to choose from including, besides castles and cars, a number of human dwellings (including a great igloo out of plastic milk containers), animal homes, vehicles, shops and stands, and theaters.
Creating Clever Castles & Cars is written for children ages three to eight, but I know a number of older children (and adults) who would love this book. Each construction has a simple set of instructions, suggestions for "finishing touches"(flower boxes, pretend fires), and, sometimes, book lists and "more information." Kline's illustrations are friendly and realistic, so kids won't be disappointed if their creations don't measure up (they will).
Creating Clever Castles & Cars promises hours of creative play and fun (and probably some mess). Highly recommended for kids of all ages.