Friday, January 19, 2007

Poetry Friday

Happy Poetry Friday, everyone!

Today I'm quoting from David McCord's "Every Time I Climb a Tree." "Every Time I Climb a Tree" is in Poetry Speaks to Children, an amazing book + cd combo I just reviewed for The Edge of the Forest. Here's the final stanza of the poem:

And then I skin
The other leg
But every time I climb a tree
I see a lot of things to see
Swallow rooftops and TV
And all the fields and farms there be
Every time I climb a tree
Though climbing may be good for ants
It isn't especially good for pants
But still it's pretty good for me
Every time I climb a tree

I loved climbing trees as a child, so this one really resonates with me.
I believe Liz B. is at the ALA, so drop me your links in the comments!

Here's the early round-up. I have a birthday party to host this evening, so I'll be back late.

Laura Purdie Salas shares how she keeps a poetry journal at Wordy Girls.

Elaine Magliaro shares the WHAT and the WHY of poetry at Blue Rose Girls.

Adrienne contributes a selection from Sharon Creech's Love That Dog at What Adrienne Thinks About That.

Little Willow posts William Wordsworth's "Memorials of a Tour in Scotland" at Bildungsroman.

Dawn celebrates National Popcorn Day (what?!?) with "A Popcorn Song," by Nancy Byrd Turner, at By Sun and Candlelight.

Emily contributes a little "'Hope' is the Thing with Feathers," by Emily Dickinson, at Whimsy Books.

Kelly Fineman is in with some poetic dialog (between Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh) at Writing and Ruminating.

Lisa reviews No Two Snowflakes, by Sheree Fitch, at Passionately Curious.

Michele shares an eclectic mix at Scholar's Blog.

Nancy contributes "The Writer," by Richard Wilbur, at Journey Woman.

Ms.Mac quotes from Animal Snackers, by Betsy Lewin, and celebrates (?) a week of ice at Check it Out.

Susan reviews J. Patrick Lewis' The Snowflake Sisters (which has a great cover, check it out) at Chicken Spaghetti.

I'm back having survived a birthday party with 26 kids!! 26!! Here are more PF entries:

Gregory K. posts an original work, "Bubble Gum," at GottaBook.

Anne's in at Book Buds with a review of Green as a Bean, by Karla Kuskin.

Cloudscome reviews Little Stevie Wonder, by Quincy Troupe, at A Wrung Sponge.

Liz Scanlon quotes from one of my personal favorites The Seven Silly Eaters, by Mary Ann Hoberman, at Liz In Ink.

Miss Erin is in with "Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots" (from Mark Twain)

Better late than never: Sherry of Semicolon combines Poetry and Fine Art Friday into one post featuring Poe and Manet.