One of the best things about blogging about children's books is that, once in awhile, a writer stops by.
Or, a super hip little creature by the name of Babymouse!* Jennifer L. Holm, of the Newbery honors and the great books (Penny From Heaven, the Babymouse series, Our Only May Amelia), sent babymouse our way along with a the newest Babymouse title, Babymouse: Heartbreaker. Thanks Jenni! And, many thanks to Matt Holm too, who brings the series to life with his humorous illustrations.
In other author news, Anjali Banerjee, whose Looking for Bapu my mother reviewed here, wrote in to say she's working on the websites included in the book. Awesome! Kids really like that type of interactivity.
And writer Liz Wu commented on my mother's review of Rosa Farm. Alice began the review with three questions:
- Was your favorite book as a child Charlotte's Web?
- Are you an animal lover?
- Did you read How the Rooster Stole the Sun
Liz wrote in and answered:
- Yes, Charlotte's Web was one of my favorite books growing up. I also loved all Roald Dahl.
- Yes, I love animals. I don't eat them, though.
- I haven't read How the Rooster Stole the Sun, but now feel like I should!
Thanks for stopping by, everyone. It's great to talk with you.
*Babymouse is so cool, my snarky 11-year-old daughter is pleased as punch to be seen with her.