Do you know a child who likes a tall tale? Or a child who loves animals and is constantly begging for just one more pet? Then Ninety-Three in My Family is for you!
Ninety-Three in My Family, written by Erica S. Perl and illustrated by Mike Lester, begins in the classroom. Today's topic? Our Families. The unflappable teacher asks the young narrator, "'How many live with you?'" And he answers, "I counted quickly in my head. I told her, 'Ninety-two.'"
Why ninety-two? Well here's the narrator's rundown as this week's Poetry Friday entry:
There's twenty-seven owls,Ten cats, eleven dogs,
A pygmy hippo named Bernice,
And eight blue speckled frogs.
My mommy and my daddy,
My sister's gerbil, Ed,
Six goldfish and my sisters,
Darlene and Winifred.
Whenever people ask me
How many live with me,
I tell them true, there's ninety-two.
Plus one (that's me!), we're ninety-three.
Told in lively verse, Ninety-Three in My Family makes for a truly fun read-aloud. Mike Lester's illustrations are dynamic and, needless to say, packed with animals. The owls, with their grumpy faces, are particularly (dare I say it?) cute. Each colorful page has plenty to look at and look for. The book concludes with a surprise certain to delight the young reader.
Ninety-Three in My Family is highly recommended fun for children ages three-ten.
Nancy at Journey Woman will be doing this week's Poetry Friday roundup. Head on over and leave her a comment.