Cloudscome (A Wrung Sponge) has brought an idea whose time has come into the kidslitosphere. (Original idea from a blog called overwhelmedwithjoy.)
Here are the details. I must admit upfront that I've changed the original rules to fit with the kidlit book world. (Changes to the rules are in red print.)
1) Once a month I'll pick a book (or two) to give away to one (or two) lucky reader(s) (you don't have to have a blog to enter). It may be a book that I've purchased new or used, or it may be an ARC or a review copy of a book I've recently reviewed. (If you receive an ARC from me, please don't sell it online after you've read it.)
2) Details on how you can enter to win will be listed below.
3) I took out rule #3, because I want people who don't maintain blogs to play. However, please feel free to pay forward the same book after you've read it on your own blog if you do keep one.
4) If you're really motivated and want to host your own "Pay It Forward" giveaway at any time, feel free to grab the button above to use on your own blog. Just let her know so she can publish a post plugging your giveaway and directing readers your way!
Let's get some books zipping about the kidlit book world. Each month I'll pick 1-2 titles, Middle Grade or Young Adult, I think are outstanding. To kick off this month's contest, I'm offering two different books. Be sure to mention in the comments which you'd prefer. They are:
1. The Puzzling World of Winston Breen, by Eric Berlin. (ARC) I really enjoyed this book and just posted my review today.
2. Gennifer Chodlenko's newest book If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period. I'll be posting a review of this one over the weekend, but let me just tell you now that this is a book you can't put down.
Both books have a September 2007 publication date.
I'll hold a drawing on Monday, August 13.
Check out these other giveaways in the kidlitosphere:
In the Pages has a Bright Ideas Calendar by McDonald Publishing. 365 Language Arts Activities for Grades 1-3. Perfect for parents, homeschoolers, teachers, and librarians!
Cloudscome has a copy of Annie Dillard's The Living up for grabs at A Wrung Sponge.
Libby has Looking for Alaska as this month's choice at Lessons from a Tortoise.
Caroline is giving away Special Topics in Calamity Physics at Food for Thought.