Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Everyday Etiquette: Stop the Music!

This week in Everyday Etiquette concerns an issue I feel passionately about. But, I may be alone here. It's an issue that has turned me into a one-woman boycotting machine: music in stores, cafes and restaurants.

I find this issue particularly troubling when I'm in an urban setting. + If I'm out and about--running errands, picking up dinner and the dry cleaning, grocery shopping--there is music everywhere. Often the music is so loud, you can't focus. (Or, maybe, it's too loud for me to focus. ) I've walked out of so many stores and restaurants in the middle of shopping or eating, because the music is making me insane. I mean, how many times can you hear "You're Beautiful" without going postal?* Honestly, I don't want to live my life to somebody else's soundtrack.

So, dear readers, today's question is: Should you take the time to tell the manager why you're leaving her establishment? Or, should you take your cranky self and walk out the door?

+With one exception. Smalltown pipes in music downtown during the holidays. Yes, it plays outside. I already heartily dislike the season (Bah humbug!), and the tinny Christmas carols push me over the edge.

*I finally figured out why I love Target so very, very much. Yes, it's clean and visually appealing. But, its most attractive feature? NO MUSIC.