Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Place Me (and what she said)

Summer stood in front of her closet. A flash of pink caught her eye.

Grody! Who let these DITTOS back in here? They're so out, it's embarrassing.

She grabbed her favorite pair of JORDACHE jeans and the OP tee with the powder-blue surfer. These will look super cool with my blue and white VANS, she thought as she moved to her vanity.

Summer dreamed of Matt as she curled her bangs under. I wonder if he'll be at DEL TACO today? Will he finally notice me? A spray or two of BABY FRESH will make him notice. I just hope it won't clash with his POLO.

Rick Dees's voice interrupted her thoughts and the jingly opening tones of "Borderline" filled Summer's heart with joy. Of course Matt will notice me!

Summer packed her school bag. She definitely needed Of Mice and Men and her trig book today. (Trig. Gnarly.) Hmmm, where is my bubblegum LIPSMACKER?

Throwing her backpack over one shoulder, Summer headed to the fridge and found the last FRESCA. The day had begun.
The announcement from HarperCollins about a new "tween" series has me flummoxed. Head on over to the honorable Read Roger for the scoop.

Instead of offering you my opinion, I thought I'd share this beautiful piece of prose. Can you place me? (No fair if you know how old I am and where I'm from!)

And, as far as opinion is concerned, I'll let Tadmack speak for me. Yeah, what she said.