Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Illuminated Books and Audio Stories

We all receive a lot of e-mails advertising this site, or that book (Zionist conspiracy, anyone?), or this service--but, occasionally, there's some gold amongst the dross.

Take a look at Illuminated Books, a "free access digital library of illuminated and illustrated books." The site was created and run by Alfredo Malchiodi, Anita Malchiodi and Carlos Alonso Cabezas and will feature books in Spanish as well as those from the Anglo-American tradition.

There are several children's titles available for view, including a few by Kate Greenaway. Very nice work and a wonderful resource
I'd also like to recommend Storynory, "i-pod ready stories for kids." The brainchild of Angharad and Matthew Lynn and Hugh Fraser, Storynory features classic tales, plays, jokes, original stories, and much more. Prince Bertie guides kids through the site and offers them not only stories, but many chances for interaction as well.

A great resource!
While not children's lit, I have to say I am extremely saddened by this news today.