So I was wrong about this being a slow week for reviews of children's books in the major media. It is actually quite busy! Fortunately, I found some internet access and was able to round them up for you all--along with a gratuitous picture of my favorite flower--the fuschia. This beautiful set is from our friends' garden in Broughty Ferry (Scotland). Aren't they beautiful?
Okay, now on to the reviews:
Leanne Italie recommends some summer-themed picture books for the Associated Press. You can catch her column here via The Seattle Times.
Frank Cottrell Boyce recommends a few (classic) summer reads for children in the Times.
Also in the Chicago Tribune, Mary Harris Russell reviews five new children's books including Kaimira, Book 1: The Sky Village, by Monk and Nigel Ashland.
Susan Perren reviews five new children's books for the Globe and Mail, including Canada in Colors, by Per-Henrik Gürth
Dr. Seuss is an everyday style icon in the Guardian's Art & Architecture blog.
Adele Geras reviews The Nostradamus Prophecy, by Theresa Breslin, in this week's Guardian.
On Children's Books review: Mary Dixie Carter reviews Seth Lerer's Children's Literature: A Reader's History From Aesop to Harry Potter in the San Francisco Chronicle. (I'm traveling with a copy of this one. Hope to have a review soon!)
Update on the Cedar Rapids library, which was flooded, from the Cedar Rapids Gazette.
Kathleen Waldron provides capsule reviews of "children's books that have stood the test of time" in the Arizona Republic.
Rebecca Rule reviews two picture books--one old and one new--for the Nashua Telegraph.
Another gratuitous photo alert! Here Kid2 demonstrates a lovely yellow rose growing in an isolated corner of our friends' beautiful garden.
Deborah Wiles recommends summer reading for the children in the Nova Scotia News. There is a long list with books for all ages--fiction and non fiction.
Kids review children's books this weekend in the Los Angeles Times.
Julia Foy recommends books and strategies to get kids reading in the Watertown Daily Times.
Deirdre Baker reviews Would You, by Marthe Jocelyn, and One for Sorrow, by Mary C. Sheppard, in the Toronto Star.
Blogging will be light over the next few days, until I return on July 14 with next weekend's weekend reviews.